Big Watch for Android Wear is a customizable and easy to read digital watch face.Features:* option to display seconds in active mode* change hour, minute, seconds and background color* change border distance and digit distance* support 12h and 24h mode* turn on / off leading hour zero* easy to read* works even without a bluetooth connection on your Wear
Big Watch is a standalone watch face and can be set as the default watch on your Wear.
Big Watch for Android Wear is not compatible with Samsung Gear or Sony SmartWatch!
To change the settings open 'Android Wear' app on your phone and tab on the gear on top of the Big Watch icon.** INSTALLATION **After the app is installed on your phone, the watch face will be transfered to your wear watch automatically. This may take a few seconds. If this does not happen, start 'Android Wear' app on your phone and run 'Resync apps' from settings. Choose the Big Watch icon in the Android Wear App. This way Big Watch will be set as active watch face. By tapping the small gear icon on top of the Big Watch icon you can enter the settings companion app. You can change colors, time mode, distances and more.Please let us know if you run into any troubles.